Most dis-eases and pain are due to a disruption, blockage, or deficiency of the qi flowing in the body. Most signs and symptoms are an indication that this qi flow has been disrupted. Through acupuncture, tiny needles are inserted into the body to stimulate the bodies own natural resources to unblock or nourish the flow of qi. As a result, balance is reestablished and wellbeing is improved. By bringing the body back into balance, the body has an opportunity to heal itself from the inside out.
Acupuncture sessions may include cupping , gua sha , and moxibustion.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Traditional Acupuncture
(843) 410-9821
Online Private Yoga - Yoga At Home
People choose to participate in private yoga sessions for a variety of reasons. Working together online gives us flexibility of time and space, in the comfort of your own home. Each session is 1 hour and includes a live class and a follow-up email recapping our session so you can continue your practice offline
Other reasons to choose private yoga:
- Receive undivided, one-on-one attention
- Learn stress relief techniques
- Learn the basics and proper alignment
- Ask questions in the moment
- Build self care into your busy schedule
- Experience pain relief
- Receive a tailored practice to support ones needs
- Prevent injury and increase mobility
- Deepen your practice
To book an appointment please call or click the button below.
SUP Yoga
Enjoy a one-on-one and/or small-group paddle boarding yoga class to challenge your practice and have some fun. We will complete a short paddle to warm up the body and then flow through a series of poses to ignite the core and connect to nature.
Sessions are available seasonally and by appointment only. Classes are conducted in Pasadena on the Magothy River. All levels welcome. Grabs some friends and come out for a paddle.
To book an appointment please call or click the button below.